TrustWellness » Prevention


Why is preventive health care important?

Preventive services include health care like screenings, check-ups, and patient counseling that are used to prevent illnesses, disease, and other health problems. Preventive health services can also detect illness at an early stage when treatment is likely to work best.


General Recommendations


Screening How Often?

Blood pressure

At least every two years for adults 18 and older


Regular screenings beginning at age 35 for men and 45 for women – or younger if you have risk factors like diabetes, high blood pressure, family history of heart disease or you’re a smoker

Skin Exam

Self-exams at least annually; talk to your doctor about screening, particularly if you’re fairskinned or spend a lot of time outside


Regular tests if you have high blood pressure or high cholesterol; talk to your doctor about other risk factors



Screening How Often?


Every one to two years for women 40 and older, with or without a breast exam

Pap test

Every one to three years if you are sexually active and between the ages of 21 and 70


Screen routinely starting at age 65, or starting at age 60 for women with risk factors (like a small frame or weight of 154 pounds or less)



Screening How Often?

Colorectal cancer

Starting at age 50; talk to your doctor about the right test for you

Abdominal aortic aneurysm

Once between ages the ages of 65 to 75 if you have ever smoked