Carrier Programs and Resources » Lincoln Financial Life, Disability and Employee Assistance Program

Lincoln Financial Life, Disability and Employee Assistance Program

As of 10/1/2021, Lincoln Financial will be the carrier for the Life, Disability and EAP Policies for the CSD Insurance Trust. 
Lincoln Financial STD claim number: 800.641.6035.  The check claim status, you can access online at (Company Code: 987525)
The Lincoln EAP Employee Connect offers professional, confidential services to help you and your loved ones improve your quality of life.
  • In-Person guidance - help for short-term issues (up to 5 sessions) with a counselor per person, per issue, per year
  • Unlimited 24/7 assistance - Information and referral on family matters, such as elder and child care, vacation planning, moving, car buying, etc. 
  • Online resources - Articles and tutorials, videos, interactive tools, including financial calculators, budgeting worksheets and more
Visit, download the GuidanceNow mobile app or call 855-327-4463 login credentials:
Username: LFGSupport                Password: LFGSupport1